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Metavill Liquidity Launch

Binance Smart Chain
Project details


Starting the MV token on the BSC network


METAVILL is a Social Entertainment & Defi Platform, which allows users to connect with each other through Live Broadcasting, Video Creative NFT, and earn from any activities: Live to earn, watch to earn, engage to earn,... and free-2-play.

  • The token will be launched on the Pancakeswap platform
  • Token Symbol: MV
  • Network : Binance Smart Chain
  • Token Pair : MV/BNB
    • Presale was held on : Pinksale
    • Soft Cap : 68 BNB
    • Current Rate : 1 BNB - 375,784.847 MV
  • Liquidity Percent : 60%
  • Liquidity Lockup Time : 365 days after pool ends
  • Initial Market Cap : $372,619




  • Total Supply : 1,000,000,000 MV
  • Presale : 30,573%
  • For Listing : 16%  release 5%/month
  • Liquidity : 17,42%  will be blocked for 365 days
  • App Utilities : 28%   Lock 1 month , then release 10% / month
  • Team&Advisor : 6%  Lock 1 Year  , then 20% unlock per month
  • Partner&Marketing : 2%  Lock 1 month , then release 100%


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